Is It Possible to Lighten Your Hair with Baking Soda?

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is an extremely versatile ingredient that can be used for a wide range of purposes. It is effective at removing stains and whitening items because it is a mild alkali, which means it can break down dirt and grease in water. In addition to being used in baking, baking soda can be used for floor scrubbing, cleaning silverware, laundering, fire extinguishing, teeth whitening, freshening the air, and deodorizing. The University of Wisconsin-Division has extensively researched the many uses of baking soda.

Some people believe that it can also be used to lighten hair, as it is a natural and inexpensive lightening agent. However, it is important to consider the abrasive nature of baking soda and the potential damage it could cause to the hair. While it may be effective in lightening hair to a certain extent, it is important to be cautious and consider other options that may be less harsh on the hair.

Baking soda is not an optimal solution for the hair.

Baking soda can be used to remove stains from hard surfaces and teeth and may also fade the color of dyed hair, particularly semi-permanent dye, after multiple washes. However, it is not strong enough to lighten non-dyed hair on its own. To create a more effective lightening solution at home, it can be combined with hydrogen peroxide, a chemical often found in hair dyes that has stronger bleaching properties. This combination can be used as part of a DIY haircare routine.

Botox Capilar advises against using baking soda to lighten hair that is too dark or recently dyed because it is not formulated for use on hair. In fact, using baking soda on hair that is orange, yellowish, or reddish may cause more harm than good. Baking soda can strip hair of natural oils, weaken hair fibers, and make hair more prone to breakage. It has a pH of about nine, and a study published in the International Journal of Trichology found that hair products with a pH higher than 5.5 have the potential to irritate and damage the scalp. If you have a dry skin condition like eczema, you should not apply baking soda to your hair.

“What are some ways to lighten hair naturally?”

If you want to lighten your hair without using bleach, there are several natural options to try at home. If you have blonde hair, John Frieda recommends using a lightening shampoo, conditioner, and spray to add one or two shades of lightness. For those with darker hair, you can try using a mixture of chamomile tea, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice. To make the mixture, combine 1/4 cup of strong chamomile tea, 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar, and some lemon juice in a bottle. Spray the mixture onto your hair until it is fully saturated, then let your hair air dry or sit in the sun to speed up the lightening process. Leave the mixture on your hair overnight for the best results.

To lighten your hair naturally, you can try diluting lemon juice or Vitamin C tablets with water in a 2:1 ratio (two tablespoons of lemon juice/Vitamin C to one cup of water). After mixing the solution, apply it to your hair from root to tip and let it dry in the sun. This method can help to naturally lighten your hair, but it may not provide the same results as a professional salon treatment. If you want a more dramatic change in your hair color, it is best to visit a hairstylist for professional treatment.